Healthcare Service Solutions in Sudbury

Healthcare Service Solutions in Sudbury

Greater Sudbury isn’t just the largest city in Northern Ontario, but it’s also fairly fascinating and incredibly diverse. Moreover, according to reports, it’s considered the fourth-best place to retire for Canadians, given its general senior-friendliness.

And, of course, one can’t discount Sudbury’s amazing health care infrastructure that makes life easy and comfortable for its citizens from all walks of life. At Apex Healthcare Personnel, we play our part in maintaining this incredible streak and building a better health care system for the people of Sudbury.

About Apex Healthcare Personnel

Apex Healthcare Personnel is a family-owned and run enterprise that offers all-inclusive health care service solutions for the people of Sudbury and surrounding areas. We have over 6 decades of combined experience in essential areas, including leadership, nursing, management, training, and much more.

Given the sensitivity of our work, we take extra care to ensure that all of the Ministry of Long-Term Care’s expectations in terms of resident care and support are fully met. This is also an important part of the education we provide for our staff to ensure a high quality of service.


Our team consists of experienced and well-qualified health professionals and business experts that help make Apex Healthcare Personnel one of the best long-term health care choices for patients in Sudbury.

Our services are top-notch quality, professional, and tailored to each resident’s requirements.

The Services We Offer at Apex Healthcare Personnel

As Sudbury’s most relied upon health care service providers, we offer an incredibly diverse range of services that aim to cover the needs of our growing clientele. Our core aim is to provide holistic care and services tailored to each resident and their unique requirements.

Here are some of our main services (each of which can be customized depending on specific conditions and requirements):

  • Home Care Assistance — While all of our care is curated around an in-home experience, we offer exclusive home care assistance to give our patients the long-term support they need in the comfort of their usual surroundings.
  • Healthcare For Private Facilities— Whether it’s replacements or reinforcements, we help private healthcare facilities maintain their care standards by providing staff when needed.
  • Healthcare For Public Institutions — Public institutions are often overwhelmed with the high influx of patients and low numbers of well-qualified nursing staff—we help them meet the shortages as they arise.

As stated earlier, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our services. We offer personalized health care solutions; therefore, there is always room for discussion when you can’t find what you’re looking for in terms of long-term care and support.

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    Quick & Simple

    Our team brings together several qualified professionals and over two decades of experience in the medical field.

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    What Makes Us The Best Choice For You

    We’re a family-owned establishment, and we fully understand the complications of finding reliable long-term caregivers for loved ones. At our very core, we are a community made up of the people who work for us and those we work for, and we believe in providing care for every person in our network.

    This essentially means that our staff is well cared for, which helps them ensure quality care for your loved ones. However, we also extend our care to the residents’ families by guiding and supporting them through tough times.

    We offer holistic care that extends to everyone in the community, including you, your loved ones, and those that care for them.