Healthcare Service Solutions in Sault Ste. Marie

Healthcare Service Solutions in Sault Ste. Marie

With historical landmarks, national parks, small-town charm and big-town glamour, Sault Sainte. Marie is the ideal place for raising a family and growing old and grey. This also explains the city’s aging population, which comprises over 35% of people over 60. By 2028, the city’s elderly population is expected to make up about 41 percent of the total population.

However, another thing that makes Sault Ste. Marie, an excellent place to live, is the health care infrastructure in which Apex Healthcare Personnel plays an active role.

About Apex Healthcare Personnel

We’re a versatile, family-owned, and operated healthcare business serving the people of Sault Ste. Marie and some surrounding areas. We offer a dynamic range of healthcare services for the city’s population, especially by facilitating the area’s long-term care institutions, community service centers and public and private healthcare establishments.

At Apex Healthcare Personnel, we have a diverse and extensive team of experts with different levels of experience in the healthcare field. Together, our team has over 6 decades of professional experience, which helps us provide holistic training to newer recruits and, in turn, better quality services for our residents in Sault Ste. Marie.

We attribute our success to many factors, but one thing that truly sets us apart from the rest is our care for our caregivers. We ensure that they have the necessary aid and support that’s required for them to do an exemplary job.

The Services We Offer at Apex Healthcare Personnel

As one of the most relied upon health care establishments in Sault Ste. Maria, we provide a versatile range of healthcare service solutions to meet the growing demand for holistic care.

Some of our services include:

  • Support for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients;
  • Home care services (flexibility in terms of care hours and other specifics);
  • General health care services;
  • Healthcare assistance for private and public healthcare facilities, including fulfillment of staffing requirements.

While these are some of our most in-demand services, we also offer customized, and personalized health care solutions that allow us to provide more holistic care for our residents tailored exactly to their requirements and health conditions. This is a prime reason institutions and individuals in Sault Ste. Marie rely on our healthcare services.

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    Quick & Simple

    Our team brings together several qualified professionals and over two decades of experience in the medical field.

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    Tailored Recommendations

    Quality Care Management

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    What Makes Us The Best Choice For You

    Our impressive experience and expertise in the healthcare industry make us a great fit for many in Sault Ste. Marie, but there are other factors we take a lot of pride in mentioning.

    • We take the Ministry of Long-Term Care’s instructions very seriously, and our team is trained according to their expectations for resident care experience;
    • Our patients are treated with great care, respect and sensitivity. We also ensure our care is culturally sensitive;
    • We believe in customized and personalized care—the one-solution-fits-all approach is simply not how we do things here;
    • We believe in striking a balance between compassionate care and a professional outlook;

    Our staff is carefully recruited, trained and monitored to provide the best care possible to patients and their families.